

英漢字典: go off

1. make a sudden ringing noise爆發突然的響聲

    A bomb went off in the theater. 一顆炸彈在劇院裡爆炸了。

2. leave suddenly(突然)離走

    They went off without telling us. 他們走時沒有告訴我們。

    She went off in a bad temper. 她怒氣衝衝地走了。

3. cease;wear off;disappear終止;消失

    The effect of the drug will go off after two hours. 兩小時後這藥的效力就將失去。

4. sell;be disposed of by sale賣掉;售出

    The goods went off rapidly. 那批貨很快就賣掉了。

5. become worse;deteriorate變壞(質)

    I'll complain to the shop;this meat started going off the same day that I bought it. 我要向這家商店申訴,我買的肉當天就變質了。

    You had better put the cake in the refrigerator,in case it goes off. 你最好把蛋糕放入冰箱,以免壞掉。

    The milk has gone off slightly. It must be the weather. 這牛奶已經變質。一定是天氣的關系。

6. elope私奔

    He went off with his manager's daughter. 他和經理的女兒私奔了。

7. lose one's skill失去技巧;工作質量下降

    The standard of his work has gone off over the last few weeks. 這幾個星期以來,他的工作水平有所下降。

    The lecturer used to do well,but he seems to have gone off now. 這位講師以前課講得不錯,現在似乎教學質量在下降。

    The football team seemed to go off. 這個足球隊似乎在滑坡。

8. fall asleep;pass into unconsciousness入睡;失去知覺Grand father's gone off in the chair. 爺爺在椅子上睡著了。

    He didn't seem to be able to go off,so he went into the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. 他似乎睡不著,因此他走進廚房給自己泡了一杯茶。

    The old woman went off into a faint. 這位老太太暈倒失去了知覺。

9. lose one's liking for(coffee,beer,pop music,painting,etc. ,as a hobby)不再愛好

    He went off driving altogether after his accident. 那場事故以後,他討厭開車了。

10. become unavailable(water,gas,electricity,power,etc. )得不到;突然中斷供應

    Just as the weather turned cold,the electricity supply went off. 正當天氣轉冷時,電力供應卻中斷了。

    The light went off as we entered the room. 我們進屋時停電了。

11. go mad;behave in a crazy manner發瘋;發狂

    Poor old Tom went off his head,spent all his money in six months and ended up begging in the streets. 可憐的老湯姆頭腦發熱了,在6個月內把錢全部花掉,最後到街上去行乞。

12. be carried out;take place;proceed進行;發生;舉行

    The party went off without any trouble. 聚會順利進行,沒有任何麻煩。

She had the operation this morning and it all went off quite well. 她今天上午動了手術,一切很順利。

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